Plan 2040 Independencia

With great enthusiasm, the Plan 2040 team welcomes Dr. Fabrizio Canabal, Health Coordinator. Dr. Canabal is a talented physician who studied at the University of Monterrey (UDEM) and has specialties in pediatrics and intensive care. His experience and knowledge will be of great value to the mission of Plan 2040.

The incorporation of Dr. Canabal underscores Plan 2040’s commitment to providing comprehensive and quality medical care to the community. With his experience and dedication, we trust that the health and well-being of the families in Colonia Independencia will improve.

Thank you, Dr. Fabrizio Canabal, for accepting this mission. We are very happy to team up with you and to see how we can be bridges for better access to health issues for the Colonia Independencia,” expressed the Plan 2040 team.